Privacy policy

  1 This Privacy Policy sets out rules for the collection , processing and use of personal data collected by the Online Shop WWW.ASUN.PL ( hereinafter: the "Store") .
2 The owner of the Store and at the same time Administrator of Personal Data Michal Maciejewski established under the name of Michal Maciejewski ARMEPOL based in Rokietnica ( 62-090 ) , Łanowa 32 , entered in the Central Register and Information on Business Activity conducted by the Ministry of Economy, Tax ID: 9721047539 , Regon : 300313327 , hereinafter referred to as ARMEPOL .
3 ARMEPOL makes special care to respect the privacy of customers visiting Shop .
§ 1 How do we collect data?
1 ARMEPOL collects information about individuals engaged in its own name business or professional activity ( hereinafter referred to as Entrepreneurs ) , as well as details of individuals engaged in legal activity not directly related to their activities.
2 Clients' personal data are collected for the registration of the customer in the store by setting up customer accounts and when customers make a single purchase without having to set up the account in the store.
3 If you register Accounts in the store , customer gives only your e -mail address and password for deciding on the access to the account in the store. If the client holding account in the store wants to make a purchase will be asked to amend its data :
a) Full name ;
b) Address (street, house / flat , zip code, city and country) ;
c ) Telephone number ;
d) the Company and its Business Tax .
4 These data can be independently changed by the client after logging in to the account .
5 In the case of a single order in the Online Shop , the scope of data necessary to identify the customers is the same . Customers provide the following information:
a ) E -mail ;
b ) Full name ;
c ) Address (street, house / flat , zip code, city and country) ;
d ) telephone number ;
e) the Company and its Business Tax .
6 When using the web pages are downloaded automatically Shop Additional information ( IP address assigned to your computer or external IP address of your ISP's domain name , browser type , time of access , the type of operating system).
7 From Clients can also be collected navigation data , including information about links and references, which will decide to click or other activities undertaken at our store.
§ 2 How to use the collected data?
1 In the event of the Registration Account Store Customer data are used to : create individual customer accounts and management of the account and the opportunities to make purchases in the store , including the execution of complex orders and their delivery. If you purchase in the store personal data may be transferred Suppliers such as:
a) Courier
b ) Mail Poland SA with its registered office in Warsaw
2 Navigation data can be used to provide customers with better service , data analysis, statistics and adapt to customer preferences Store , as well as the administration Store.
§ 3 Cookies , IP Addresses
1 Shop uses small files known as cookies. They are stored by the server ARMEPOL on the computer of a website visitor shop , if browser allows it. A cookie typically contains the name of the domain from which your " time lapse " and individual random number that identifies the file. Information collected using this type of help files offered by ARMEPOL customize products to individual preferences and the actual needs of visitors Shop . Gives also the possibility of developing general visitor statistics presented products in the store.
2 ARMEPOL uses two types of cookies :
a) Session Cookies : after the end of the session browser or shut down your computer stored information is deleted from memory. The mechanism does not allow session cookies to collect any personal data or any confidential information of your customers.
b ) Persistent cookies : they are stored on the client computer's hard disk and remain there until you delete them . The mechanism of persistent cookies , sent by the store , allows you to store the data only with your consent (expressed eg by selecting " remember me " at login ) . In any other case , these files are not stored in a durable manner .
3 ARMEPOL uses its own cookies to :
a) Client Authentication in the store and to ensure the client session in the store ( after logging in) , through which the customer does not have on every page in the Store to retype your login and password
b ) studies, research and audit audience , and in particular to create anonymous statistics that help to understand how customers use the Website Store Web Store , which allows improvement of their structure and content.
4 ARMEPOL uses cookies external to :
a) facilitate communication through the Website Store using tools (administrator cookies external Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.)
b ) to facilitate communication through the Website Store using chat tools to conduct Gadu - ( cookies external administrator : GG Network SA with its registered seat in Warsaw).
c ) collect general and anonymous data via static analysis tools Gemius Traffic ( cookies external administrator : Gemius SA with its registered seat in Warsaw)
d ) Certificate presentation Reliable Terms via the website (administrator cookies external B2B Consulting Sp. z oo with its registered seat in Warsaw)
5 Cookie mechanism is safe for customers computers Store. In particular, this route is not possible to penetrate into computers Clients viruses or other unwanted software or malware . However, in their browsers Customers have the ability to limit or exclude access to computers cookies . If you use this option, use the Store will be possible, except for functions which, by their nature, require cookies.
6 Below is how you can change the settings for web browsers on the use of cookies :
a) Internet Explorer
b ) Mozilla Firefox
c ) Chrome
d ) Safari
e) Opera Browser
7 ARMEPOL may collect your IP address. IP address is a number assigned to the computer of a website visitor Shop by your ISP . IP number allows you to access the Internet. In most cases, the computer is assigned dynamically , ie it changes every time you connect to the Internet and therefore is widely regarded as a non-personally identifying information . The IP address is used by ARMEPOL in diagnosing technical problems with the server , creating a statistical analysis (eg determining regions from which we note the most visits) , as information useful in administering and improving the Shop , as well as for security purposes and the possible identification of aggravating the server side effects automatic programs for browsing the Store.
8 Store contains links and links to other websites. ARMEPOL not responsible for the privacy policies applicable to them . For this reason, we encourage you to after going through the Store on site managed by another administrator , consult the privacy policies adopted there .
§ 4 Data Access
1 Personal data collected by the store have direct access to only authorized employees ARMEPOL .
2 Your details may also be disclosed to entities authorized to receive them under the applicable laws, in particular the relevant judicial authorities and entities identified in the section " How to use the collected data? " .
3 ARMEPOL provides customers who have an account , uninterrupted access to their data and the ability to modify them at any time. In order to make modifications need to log in to the account in the store. The customer has the option to remove personal data from the data set in the event of termination of service contracts electronically. ARMEPOL may refuse to remove customer data if this violated the applicable Store Terms and preservation of data is needed to clarify the circumstances and determine the liability of particular investigation by ARMEPOL claims from the customer.
4 In the case of a subscription newsletter you have the opportunity to remove your email address from our mailing list , by selecting the appropriate function after logging in to the account in the store.
§ 5 Security
1 ARMEPOL apply safeguards to protect your data from loss, misuse and alteration. ARMEPOL undertakes to protect all your data in accordance with the standards of safety and confidentiality.
2 Personal data in ARMEPOL are protected under the Act of 29 August 1997 on personal data protection (consolidated text . Laws of 2002 No. 101, item . 926 , as amended . ) To prevent access by third parties .
3 In case the customer with an account in the store lost in any way the password , store allows you to generate a new password to your account in the store. Shop but do not send the password reminder . Client password is stored in the database in encrypted form , so as to prevent his reading . To generate a new password, enter the e-mail address in the form available under the link " Forgot your password ", given the form login to your account in the store. New password will be sent only to the email address provided during registration or saved at the last change your profile.
4 ARMEPOL never send any correspondence , including e-mails , asking for your login details , in particular the access password for the Customer Account . Such information is not also made available via traditional mail , e- mail and telephone .
§ 6 Changes in Privacy Policy
1 ARMEPOL reserves the right to make changes to the Privacy Policy . On making changes to update the date of introduction of the last amendment stated below.
2 Any additional questions regarding this Privacy Policy should be addressed to : .
3 Last modified : 27/12/2013 .